Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The UN and their uselessness.

I am listening right now to the Libyan leader right now. Mumar Qaddafi is scolding the world. He's up there telling it like it is. I just have one question: How is this pig holding a chair at the UN? This man FOMENTS hatred. He desires to see those who oppose him on their knees begging for their life. He has personally been responsible for thousands of innocent deaths. This is what the UN stands for? This PIG, in the name of religion, is allowed to speak about the "injustices" of the US an it's "occupying forces". And the world takes this man seriously.

See, I forgot about the Christian nation that sends children to blow themselves up in crowded Muslim restaurants. I forgot the Christian nation that actively teaches its children that anyone that doesn't believe in Christianity is an infidel and should die. I forgot about the Christian nation that tears young Christians from their parents and forces them into insurgent bands. Anyone remember the Buddhist terrorists that flew planes into buildings? Hmmm? Still need to see proof?

See, here's what we KNOW. Not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslim. Until a MUSLIM nation DEMANDS that it's citizenry stop the killing of innocent people, then those countries are nothing more than enablers. I hear this PIG talk of genocide of Muslims by the West. Really? Genocide? Uh, see SUDAN. If it weren't for oil this PIG wouldn't be given a pulpit to preach his nonsense. How anyone can sit and listen to this PIG talk about the hunger for peace without vomiting is beyond me. Then again, I'm not the most politically correct person on the planet.

Did Afghanistan start war against the US? No. However, the Taliban created the largest terrorist training center in the world. Did Iraq? No, but who do you think was financing the Taliban. The UN sat idly by and watched and they continue to do the same. The US should get the EFF out of the UN.

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