Friday, September 18, 2009

Healthcare and Illegals.

The POTUS came out during a speech to entire Congress and said that anybody who says that his healthcare plan will cover illegals is a liar. In one of my earlier posts I called the POTUS a liar. I would like to formally apologize to the POTUS. He didn't tell us the whole story. His policy would not cover illegals. What he didn't say was that his plan is to give amnesty to illegals, making them legal.

"President Obama said this week that his health care plan won't cover illegal immigrants, but argued that's all the more reason to legalize them and ensure they eventually do get coverage. "

Thank you Mr. President. Thank you for clearing that up. I appreciate that finally, finally, you've come clean. You don't want illegals covered, you want to make illegal immigrants citizens. Awesome. Thank you for enforcing the laws of our land. Thank you for making sure that we are a sovereign nation. Thank you Mr. President for letting my children know that they don't have to follow the law as long as there is someone in the White House that will pick and choose which laws to follow.

Executive Branch:

The branch of federal and state government that is broadly responsible for implementing, supporting, and enforcing the laws made by the legislative branch and interpreted by the judicial branch. At the state level, the executive includes governors and their staffs. At the federal level, the executive includes the president, the vice president, staffs of appointed advisers (including the cabinet), and a variety of departments and agencies, such as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Postal Service (see postmaster general).

ENFORCING LAWS is the first title in your job.

If we're not going to enforce the rule of law, then get rid of the law. Get rid of all of them that we're not going to enforce. If the laws are not going to be enforced for everyone then they need to go away. This is how the "ruling class" can subvert anyone that gets in its way. By picking and choosing which laws to enforce. So, if the law will not be enforced, get rid of it. From the local city level to the federal level. If that is not the case, then we must DEMAND that all laws are enforced. Face it, if this were one of us common folk, I don't think the .gov would let us off AND give us access to the greatest healthcare on earth.

I'm pretty sure that we'd end up in prison.

Will you stand yet?

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