Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I'm tired of being ignored.

I keep learning every day. I think we all do. I think we all wake up and realize that every day offers an opportunity to glean SOMETHING from that day.

I'm tired though. I am tired of being ignored. I'm tired of getting told by government that I shouldn't be listened to because I am an extremist. Now, what qualifies me as an extremist? Let's look at the definition provided by our Homeland Security head, Janet Nepalitano.
  • Proposed imposition of firearms restrictions and weapons bans likely would attract new members into the ranks of rightwing extremist groups, as well as potentially spur some of them to begin planning and training for violence against the government. The high volume of purchases and stockpiling of weapons and ammunition by rightwing extremists in anticipation of restrictions and bans in some parts of the country continue to be a primary concern to law enforcement.

  • Rightwing extremist chatter on the Internet continues to focus on the economy, the perceived loss of U.S. jobs in the manufacturing and construction sectors, and home foreclosures. Anti-Semitic extremists attribute these losses to a deliberate conspiracy conducted by a cabal of Jewish “financial elites.” These “accusatory” tactics are employed to draw new recruits into rightwing extremist groups and further radicalize
    those already subscribing to extremist beliefs.

  • DHS/I&A assesses that rightwing extremist groups’ frustration over a perceived lack of government action on illegal immigration has the potential to incite individuals or small groups toward violence.
  • Just so I understand this, I'm an extremist because I believe in the 2nd amendment to the CONSTITUTION, I believe that our government shouldn't be spending more money than it takes in and shouldn't bail out ANY company, and I believe that we are a sovereign nation and have a right to defend our borders? Okay, I'm an extremist. I love my country but fear my government. Bam, I'm an extremist.

    Then I also must be astro turf. Just ask Nancy Pelosi. WHY IS MY GOVERNMENT NOT LISTENING? Polls show that we like our coverage. Polls show that we don't want a public option. Now, I don't agree with ruling through polls. However, if you're not going to listen to the citizens through town hall meetings, then you have to look at polls. I get tired of hearing "the majority of Americans want a public option". Show me a poll that supports that. Right now. Show it to me. The polls show that this ISN'T the case. That's not being reported. And wait, didn't our POTUS just tell us that WE ARE LIARS? Didn't he say that we are lying about healthcare benefits being given to illegal immigrants? IT'S UNCONSTITUTIONAL TO PROVIDE A BENEFIT FOR CITIZENS AND NOT FOR EVERYONE. IT'S ALREADY BEEN RULED ON BY THE SCOTUS. YOU ARE MISINFORMED Mr. Obama. Andrew Napalitano was so nice to elaborate. And I quote "the President knows that the federal law requires that whatever healthcare is made available must be made available to citizen and non-citizen alike and under non-citizen to lawful resident and unlawful resident alike. We know this because in the state of California they recently enacted a proposition. That's a vote in November, that's not a law by the legislature, that's a vote by the people which sought to bar all social services to illegal aliens and two federal courts threw it out and the supreme court decided not to hear it; if the government has a federal option to make healthcare available to any American that wants it, without having to pay for it directly, through the taxes of others, they cannot restrict that only to citizens."

    When asked about Senator Max Baucus's claim that he would add provisions in to the bill to prevent this, Napolitano answered that just as in California, this, "would be found unconstitutional, not because of statutory law, but on the basis of constitutional law." Uh, that would make you a liar, Mr. President. Don't worry though. I don't have high hopes for any politician.

    One thing that I'm not though is racist. I'm tired of being told that I'm racist. Now Jimmy Carter is calling me a racist. Let me see, I've had a Governor of NY call me racist, I've had the racist Rev. Wright call me racist. I've heard the tax-dodging congressman Charlie Rangel call me a racist. I've had Fidel Castro call me racist. I've had Hugo Chavez call me racist. Huh? Why? Because I don't agree with the president? I didn't agree with most of Bush's policies. Do I hate Texans now. Blacks and Texans, got it (actually I spent 2 years in OK. I think the Dallas Cowboys suck. However, I still would live in TX.) Wait, I don't agree with my wife. Must be sexist too. I don't agree with a lot of people. Wait a second. I agree with Michael Steele. Oh, that's right. He's not black. He's an uncle Tom. Read the comments. "

    Steele's a moron and an Uncle Tom with grandiose prententions that someday, he'll get to be president, too...

    Jimmy Carter is one of the finest men we've ever had as President and has done more for african americans and poor people of ANY color than any 20 Republicans you can name put together.

    A man from the south and one who has fought against racism his entire life, former President Carter deserves respect for his opinion.
    Steele and the GOP should realize that many WHITE Americans agree with him… I do, and I'm white, female, over 50 and from Texas. The racists and kooks running the Republican party and town hall rabble are the rednecked good ole boys who see an opportunity for their south to "rise again." The likes of Joe Wilson — who still FLIES THE CONFEDERATE FLAG — is just ONE example of that crowd.

    Keep in mind that this man also tried to address the energy crisis — back in the '70s. If Reagan hadn't rolled back his policies, we wouldn't have had our recent energy crisis that helped create this financial crisis. Carter was RIGHT THEN and RIGHT NOW and history will eventually prove it.

    Thank you Mr. President for your bold move to stand up and do the right thing.

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