Thursday, September 10, 2009


“Since 1994, more than $53 million in federal funds have been pumped into ACORN, and under the Obama administration, ACORN stands to receive a whopping $8.5 billion in available stimulus funds. Operationally, ACORN is a shell game played in 120 cities, 43 states and the District of Columbia through a complex structure designed to conceal illegal activities, to use taxpayer and tax-exempt dollars for partisan political purposes, and to distract investigators. Structurally, ACORN is a chess game in which senior management is shielded from accountability by multiple layers of volunteers and compensated employees who serve as pawns to take the fall for every bad act.”

So should this community organization be allowed to receive ONE MORE TAX DOLLAR?

"Eleven people hired to register potential voters in Miami-Dade County before last year's presidential election were being sought Wednesday for falsifying hundreds of voter registration cards.

The Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office issued arrest warrants for each of the 11 suspects, all of whom worked for the local chapter of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, (ACORN)."

Wow. Now this is the same organization that President Obama would like to have help with the census.

Maybe they can help me find prostitutes.

This link will take you to a website devoted to showing how wonderful our big government is spending our money. It shows ACORN telling and undercover journalist how to get tax credits for PROSTITUTING UNDERAGE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

I'll say it again, ACORN IS AVAILABLE TO RECEIVE $8.5BILLION in stimulus money.

Will you stand?

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