Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fundamental problem with the far left

The far left will have you believe that anyone right of center in their beliefs is a fundamentalist, an ideologist, a racist, a member of the mob, an uneducated zealot, a bible thumper, etc. I mean, really, anyone right of center just isn't as smart as someone who is on the far left. See I know this because the far left will say that guns are bad and abortion is so good.

Then there is a story of this lady. And I quote "A woman has admitted to being 'an abortion addict' after having 15 terminations over 17 years.". This disgusts me as a human being. I'm not even talking about being Christian. That is a whole other side. Just being a member of the human race, this hurts me to see. Here is a woman who has killed 15 unborn children in the name of what? Rebellion? Hatred? This woman is worried about being sent hate mail by those who don't agree with her. This behavior is looked at as perfectly normal by those on the far left.

This, however, is looked at as abhorrent behavior. A mother was charged with child abuse for having their 8yr old put a bar of soap in her mouth. So, just want to make sure I get this straight: Aborting 15 children=okay behavior. Putting a bar of soap in a swearing child's mouth=felony. The far left talks about zealots?

If this bothers you, will you stand? Will you contact someone in your legislature? If this happened in your hometown, would you legally try and change these laws?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Why do we hire public officials? I mean, that's what elections are for, for the most part. We hire/elect them to do a job. Why don't we hold them to that job? I mean, we hire the President to be the head of the Executive Branch. He hires minions to help him in that job. But...when he hires someone to do that job, and then his PARTY doesn't like what that minion wants, the President then hems and haws? BHO hired Gen. McChrystal to find out what is needed to win the war in Afghanistan. The General said he needs more troops. And he said he needs them now. So what does BHO do? He holds meetings. He holds forums.

But wait. What did he do before that? Oh he flew around the world to Copenhagen to lobby for the Olympics. He lobbied for his cronies in Chicago. He's lobbying for healthcare. He's lobbying for cap and trade.

Dear Mr. President,

Do YOUR job. Don't worry about others jobs. YOUR job is our safety. You can't make laws so STOP TRYING.

Our legislators can't be bothered to read legislation that they vote on. They are too busy flying to Syria (Pelosi) and Libya (McCain) to look at business ventures. DO YOUR JOBS. Seems like the only ones that don't try to do other jobs is the Supreme Court.

Wait. I forgot. They also have decided to ENACT LAWS from the bench.

When will we ask for our employees to do THEIR JOBS?

Would this work at your place of employment?

Will you stand?