Our government is out of control. Our founding fathers never intended for our politicians to become entrenched in government. Will you stand up to this nonsense or will you saddle your children with insurmountable tax debt. Get involved.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The UN and their uselessness.
See, I forgot about the Christian nation that sends children to blow themselves up in crowded Muslim restaurants. I forgot the Christian nation that actively teaches its children that anyone that doesn't believe in Christianity is an infidel and should die. I forgot about the Christian nation that tears young Christians from their parents and forces them into insurgent bands. Anyone remember the Buddhist terrorists that flew planes into buildings? Hmmm? Still need to see proof?
See, here's what we KNOW. Not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslim. Until a MUSLIM nation DEMANDS that it's citizenry stop the killing of innocent people, then those countries are nothing more than enablers. I hear this PIG talk of genocide of Muslims by the West. Really? Genocide? Uh, see SUDAN. If it weren't for oil this PIG wouldn't be given a pulpit to preach his nonsense. How anyone can sit and listen to this PIG talk about the hunger for peace without vomiting is beyond me. Then again, I'm not the most politically correct person on the planet.
Did Afghanistan start war against the US? No. However, the Taliban created the largest terrorist training center in the world. Did Iraq? No, but who do you think was financing the Taliban. The UN sat idly by and watched and they continue to do the same. The US should get the EFF out of the UN.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Elitists and the Left
He's not the only one. Look at celebrities. Look at our own president. He says that MMGW has irreversible consequences. Uh, Mr. President, you fly private everywhere. You haven't flown commercial in over a decade. Ever hear of gotomeeting? Why can't you and your ilk hold conferences over the internet? You plant a tree for all the pollution you do? Maybe I should have your energy secretary scold me. Here's what he said “The American public…just like your teenage kids, aren’t acting in a way that they should act,” Dr. Chu said. “The American public has to really understand in their core how important this issue is.”
Do you understand Mr. President? You and Al Gore want me to give up my SUV. You first. Demi Moore wants me to turn down my AC in my home. Again, you first. You talk about lead by example? Mr. President, how about staying at home. Give your speeches on youtube. C'mon, lead by example. You could save how much pollution and how many taxpayers dollars by just staying home?
The ugly truth is that the Elite and the Left don't care about MMGW. They just want the .gov to have more control. It's easy to see how serious they are. Just ask John Travolta. Just ask Demi Moore. Just ask Bill Gates. They could give it all up right now, show the world how serious their commitment to stopping GW is. I guess they'd have to admit that they didn't want to give up their Escalades and their private planes. I mean, Mr. Travolta would have to give up SEVERAL of his private planes. Just take a look at his "modest" home. Let's look at Al Gore's home. How about Bill Gates? Do they really relate you me? I can't imagine what living in a 10 THOUSAND plus square foot house is like. I don't hate their wealth. I don't hate their houses. I just hate their hypocrisy.
I sure wish they'd stop talking down to us. I sure wish that they would lead by example.
Will you stand?
Friday, September 18, 2009
Proof that "WE" matter
That's the beginning of the US Constitution. We do matter. We can't be glossed over. The more we stand up for the nonsense that our .gov does, the more that politicians realize they can't get over on us anymore.
WASHINGTON – The House voted Thursday to deny all federal funds for ACORN in a GOP-led strike against the scandal-tainted community organizing group that comes just three days after the Senate took similar action. "ACORN has violated serious federal laws, and today the House voted to ensure that taxpayer dollars would no longer be used to fund this corrupt organization," said second-ranked House Republican Eric Cantor of Virginia.
NATIONAL CITY - Local ACORN officials reversed an earlier decision Thursday afternoon and fired a community organizer who was caught on video providing advice about human smuggling to a couple posing as a pimp and a prostitute
SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Raising the stakes involved in the scandal surrounding the anti-poverty group ACORN, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is urging a "full investigation" by California Attorney General Jerry Brown into ACORN's California activities.
Congratulations America. We DO make a difference. Stand up, don't take this. This is OUR country. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, it's a duck.
Will you keep standing?
Healthcare and Illegals.
"President Obama said this week that his health care plan won't cover illegal immigrants, but argued that's all the more reason to legalize them and ensure they eventually do get coverage. "
Thank you Mr. President. Thank you for clearing that up. I appreciate that finally, finally, you've come clean. You don't want illegals covered, you want to make illegal immigrants citizens. Awesome. Thank you for enforcing the laws of our land. Thank you for making sure that we are a sovereign nation. Thank you Mr. President for letting my children know that they don't have to follow the law as long as there is someone in the White House that will pick and choose which laws to follow.
Executive Branch:
The branch of federal and state government that is broadly responsible for implementing, supporting, and enforcing the laws made by the legislative branch and interpreted by the judicial branch. At the state level, the executive includes governors and their staffs. At the federal level, the executive includes the president, the vice president, staffs of appointed advisers (including the cabinet), and a variety of departments and agencies, such as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Postal Service (see postmaster general).
ENFORCING LAWS is the first title in your job.
If we're not going to enforce the rule of law, then get rid of the law. Get rid of all of them that we're not going to enforce. If the laws are not going to be enforced for everyone then they need to go away. This is how the "ruling class" can subvert anyone that gets in its way. By picking and choosing which laws to enforce. So, if the law will not be enforced, get rid of it. From the local city level to the federal level. If that is not the case, then we must DEMAND that all laws are enforced. Face it, if this were one of us common folk, I don't think the .gov would let us off AND give us access to the greatest healthcare on earth.
I'm pretty sure that we'd end up in prison.
Will you stand yet?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I'm tired of being ignored.
I'm tired though. I am tired of being ignored. I'm tired of getting told by government that I shouldn't be listened to because I am an extremist. Now, what qualifies me as an extremist? Let's look at the definition provided by our Homeland Security head, Janet Nepalitano.
Just so I understand this, I'm an extremist because I believe in the 2nd amendment to the CONSTITUTION, I believe that our government shouldn't be spending more money than it takes in and shouldn't bail out ANY company, and I believe that we are a sovereign nation and have a right to defend our borders? Okay, I'm an extremist. I love my country but fear my government. Bam, I'm an extremist.Proposed imposition of firearms restrictions and weapons bans likely would attract new members into the ranks of rightwing extremist groups, as well as potentially spur some of them to begin planning and training for violence against the government. The high volume of purchases and stockpiling of weapons and ammunition by rightwing extremists in anticipation of restrictions and bans in some parts of the country continue to be a primary concern to law enforcement. Rightwing extremist chatter on the Internet continues to focus on the economy, the perceived loss of U.S. jobs in the manufacturing and construction sectors, and home foreclosures. Anti-Semitic extremists attribute these losses to a deliberate conspiracy conducted by a cabal of Jewish “financial elites.” These “accusatory” tactics are employed to draw new recruits into rightwing extremist groups and further radicalize
those already subscribing to extremist beliefs.DHS/I&A assesses that rightwing extremist groups’ frustration over a perceived lack of government action on illegal immigration has the potential to incite individuals or small groups toward violence.
Then I also must be astro turf. Just ask Nancy Pelosi. WHY IS MY GOVERNMENT NOT LISTENING? Polls show that we like our coverage. Polls show that we don't want a public option. Now, I don't agree with ruling through polls. However, if you're not going to listen to the citizens through town hall meetings, then you have to look at polls. I get tired of hearing "the majority of Americans want a public option". Show me a poll that supports that. Right now. Show it to me. The polls show that this ISN'T the case. That's not being reported. And wait, didn't our POTUS just tell us that WE ARE LIARS? Didn't he say that we are lying about healthcare benefits being given to illegal immigrants? IT'S UNCONSTITUTIONAL TO PROVIDE A BENEFIT FOR CITIZENS AND NOT FOR EVERYONE. IT'S ALREADY BEEN RULED ON BY THE SCOTUS. YOU ARE MISINFORMED Mr. Obama. Andrew Napalitano was so nice to elaborate. And I quote "the President knows that the federal law requires that whatever healthcare is made available must be made available to citizen and non-citizen alike and under non-citizen to lawful resident and unlawful resident alike. We know this because in the state of California they recently enacted a proposition. That's a vote in November, that's not a law by the legislature, that's a vote by the people which sought to bar all social services to illegal aliens and two federal courts threw it out and the supreme court decided not to hear it; if the government has a federal option to make healthcare available to any American that wants it, without having to pay for it directly, through the taxes of others, they cannot restrict that only to citizens."
When asked about Senator Max Baucus's claim that he would add provisions in to the bill to prevent this, Napolitano answered that just as in California, this, "would be found unconstitutional, not because of statutory law, but on the basis of constitutional law." Uh, that would make you a liar, Mr. President. Don't worry though. I don't have high hopes for any politician.
One thing that I'm not though is racist. I'm tired of being told that I'm racist. Now Jimmy Carter is calling me a racist. Let me see, I've had a Governor of NY call me racist, I've had the racist Rev. Wright call me racist. I've heard the tax-dodging congressman Charlie Rangel call me a racist. I've had Fidel Castro call me racist. I've had Hugo Chavez call me racist. Huh? Why? Because I don't agree with the president? I didn't agree with most of Bush's policies. Do I hate Texans now. Blacks and Texans, got it (actually I spent 2 years in OK. I think the Dallas Cowboys suck. However, I still would live in TX.) Wait, I don't agree with my wife. Must be sexist too. I don't agree with a lot of people. Wait a second. I agree with Michael Steele. Oh, that's right. He's not black. He's an uncle Tom. Read the comments. "
Jimmy Carter is one of the finest men we've ever had as President and has done more for african americans and poor people of ANY color than any 20 Republicans you can name put together.
A man from the south and one who has fought against racism his entire life, former President Carter deserves respect for his opinion.
Steele and the GOP should realize that many WHITE Americans agree with him… I do, and I'm white, female, over 50 and from Texas. The racists and kooks running the Republican party and town hall rabble are the rednecked good ole boys who see an opportunity for their south to "rise again." The likes of Joe Wilson — who still FLIES THE CONFEDERATE FLAG — is just ONE example of that crowd.
Keep in mind that this man also tried to address the energy crisis — back in the '70s. If Reagan hadn't rolled back his policies, we wouldn't have had our recent energy crisis that helped create this financial crisis. Carter was RIGHT THEN and RIGHT NOW and history will eventually prove it.
Thank you Mr. President for your bold move to stand up and do the right thing.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Politicians being politicians
"House Democrats plan to formally reprimand Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) on Tuesday for his outburst last week in which he accused President Obama of lying about proposed health-care legislation."
Thank goodness. Our economy is in the tank. Congress approval rating at an all time low. No progress on illegal immigration reform. Healthcare? Nope. We're going to politicize a statement that was FORGIVEN by the President.
Meanwhile, the tax cheat in the House, Rep. Rangel still has a job. Oh, and he surely still has his chair of the Ways and Means committee. Well, since the head of the IRS has tax problems, it's probably apropos.
You sure these guys are doing what you sent them to Washington to do? Whether you're left or right, D vs R, conservative vs liberal, is this what you sent them to Washington for?
Reminds me of being a Correctional Officer. I actually had an inmate tell me that he didn't learn how to be a crook til he went to prison. Makes sense. We send our politicians to Washington to become crooks and thieves.
Ready to stand up yet?
Friday, September 11, 2009
Do you remember? Can you remember 8 years ago today? Have you forgotten? There are times that I wish I could. There are times that I wish I could go back. I'll never forget it as long as I live. I remember my wife calling me to say that something was going on in NYC and that a plane had hit the WTC. I can tell you the angle of the sun. I can tell you the thoughts running through my mind as I turned on FNC. There it was. A plane had hit the WTC. Whatever. Some dumbass had flown too low and hit a tower. I'm laying there listening to the talking heads describe how the tower was designed to blah, blah, blah. As I write this, I can't describe the emotions. I'm watching this when all of the sudden another plane hits the other tower. My reaction was immediate. Oh my God. One is an accident. Two is deliberate. I can remember thinking, this is it. This is an attack on my country. I can remember calling my wife back. Telling her that something bad was going on. I didn't shower that day. I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. I remember the plane that was lost. I remember the plane that hit the Pentagon. I remember the heroic people that made sure that nothing bad happened on their watch when they forced the plane into an empty field in PA. I remember. I remember the heroic firefighters running towards the buildings. I remember the police officers running towards the building. I remember thinking to myself, just as my father had, this could be it. This could be a trigger to a war. Do you remember? Do you remember looking at the sky that night and seeing NOTHING? I live in a flight path. I see planes, I hear planes, all the time. Not on that night. I remember crawling up on my roof to look for any signs of life. Any ghetto birds? I can remember seeing F-16's. No commercial traffic.
Do you remember what it was like the next day? We were no longer left vs right. Pro lifers vs pro choicers. We were Americans. We were galvanized We breathed the same air. We all shouted to those who would attack us "HOW DARE YOU COME TO OUR HOUSE AND BRING YOUR NONSENSE". We weren't blacks, whites, asians, or mexicans. We weren't indians, or gays. We were Americans. We knew right vs wrong that day. Do you think that those people on Flight 93 worried about who was Republican or Democrat? Think they wondered who voted for Gore? Bush? They understood that deep down were all American. They understood that this great country isn't about anything else but standing up while the rest of the world pisses on our heads and declaring "WE ARE AMERICAN". We will stand up after being knocked down. We will persevere because our founding fathers understood that they were creating the greatest nation on earth. We allow dissenting thought because we are great. But deep down we're Americans.
When you tell your children about that day, or maybe your grandchildren, will you remember? Will you be a piece of living history?
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Crooks, liars, and theives.
As I grew older I understood that there were injustices in the world. I also understood that I wasn't responsible for them. I wasn't responsible for genocide in Africa. I wasn't responsible for feeding starving Chinese children. I was responsible for me. For all of my actions. I could do all I could to HELP with those charity events but I would rather my money go to help Americans first before helping someone who doesn't care about me. I thought I was the only one waking up to stupid government spending. Wildly outlandish earmarks and pork barrel projects being paid for by government monies and no one was speaking out. You see, I had the newspaper to feed me. I thought I was alone. I looked around at my fellow Americans and they didn't appear to be outraged by some of these things. So maybe I shouldn't have these thoughts. Then one day, while delivering pizzas, I was listening to a Suns game. After the game they had their sports talk and I never changed the station. All of the sudden a program came on. It was talk radio. I'd heard about it but didn't pay any attention. I'd already heard what a P.O.S Rush Limbaugh was. How he hated America. I didn't want to listen to that. So here was talk radio.
Oh my. I wasn't the only one. I can't remember who it was but I remember thinking, "HOLY CRAP, ALIENS DIDN'T DROP ME OFF ON THIS PLANET. THERE ARE OTHERS LIKE ME." Don't get me wrong, I didn't agree with everything this guy said but I remember thinking that finally, I wasn't singular. This thought blew my mind. I found another talk radio station on the AM dial. I started listening to them more. My friends made fun of me because I built huge stereos for vehicles and I listened to talk radio. Irony has a name. It's me. So then one day I hear this Rush Limbaugh fellow. I have a bad taste in my mouth to start with. I've heard from teachers, I've heard from other people around me, I've read in the newspaper, this guy hates America. He's worthless. WOW. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This guy was even MORE like me. I wasn't rich like him but he still had the same ideas that I did. He believed the .gov was NOT the answer. But wait, this guy had to be a fake. So I went home, and I web searched him (back then, the internet that Al Gore invented, wasn't so easy to use). There were a lot of websites that said what a piece of junk Rush was but I found out that he really DID believe these things. I don't agree with everything that Rush says. I agree more than I disagree though.
I was growing and maturing in my political thought. Here were two of the biggest shams that I had found out to lies. I had heard talk radio was hateful, it wasn't. I had heard Rush was (Insert any derogatory word here. Really, any of them. I've seen them all.), and he wasn't. So what else was a lie? Well, the whole thing was a lie. Rush didn't eat children, talk radio wasn't the devil talk, affirmative action is/was racism, EVERYTHING I had learned or heard wasn't true. This really pissed me off. Now when I hear something, I know that it's someone's point of view. Not the truth, but a point of view. Now I search for the truth. Because that's the problem with today's "journalists". They are more "pundit" than "journalist". See, a journalist tells a story about the Cardinals missing on the last play of the Superbowl. A pundit talks about the struggle of the groundskeeper and how he has been denied medical benefits because he's a pedophile. They both will tell you that they are reporting the news but they both have a different story. So now when I hear something, I research it. I find out for myself. I find the "for" argument, then I find the "against" argument. Then I let the little demons in my mind debate the issue before making a decision. Unfortunately this doesn't happen for everyone.
This is how I have matured and how I decide to interpret news. I'm not "right" or "conservative" or "libertarian" or "republican" or whatever. I have a new party name if you are looking for one. How about "right". Not right of the yardstick. RIGHT as in RIGHT vs WRONG. I know what's right. It doesn't matter what those letters after some idiots names are. Right vs wrong.
See, I know it's wrong to have a tax cheat heading the IRS. It sends the wrong signal. I know it's wrong to have a tax cheat in Congress heading the House ways and means committee. I know it's wrong to have someone in the White House who believes animals need attorneys. I know it's wrong.
Do you think it's wrong?
Will you stand?
“Since 1994, more than $53 million in federal funds have been pumped into ACORN, and under the Obama administration, ACORN stands to receive a whopping $8.5 billion in available stimulus funds. Operationally, ACORN is a shell game played in 120 cities, 43 states and the District of Columbia through a complex structure designed to conceal illegal activities, to use taxpayer and tax-exempt dollars for partisan political purposes, and to distract investigators. Structurally, ACORN is a chess game in which senior management is shielded from accountability by multiple layers of volunteers and compensated employees who serve as pawns to take the fall for every bad act.”
So should this community organization be allowed to receive ONE MORE TAX DOLLAR?
"Eleven people hired to register potential voters in Miami-Dade County before last year's presidential election were being sought Wednesday for falsifying hundreds of voter registration cards.
The Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office issued arrest warrants for each of the 11 suspects, all of whom worked for the local chapter of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, (ACORN)."
Wow. Now this is the same organization that President Obama would like to have help with the census.
Maybe they can help me find prostitutes.
http://biggovernment.breitbart.com/2009/09/10/chaos-for-glory/This link will take you to a website devoted to showing how wonderful our big government is spending our money. It shows ACORN telling and undercover journalist how to get tax credits for PROSTITUTING UNDERAGE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.
I'll say it again, ACORN IS AVAILABLE TO RECEIVE $8.5BILLION in stimulus money.
Will you stand?
Will you stand up?
This is a true story. During high school, Gov. Bill Clinton was running for POTUS. I remember listening to the debates. I remember by history teacher telling us how important the political process was. I remember being riveted by the words from both candidates. I remember specifically the words from Gov. Clinton about service. He said that I could go to college, for free, if he was elected. All I would have to do is pay off my loans with service. Community service. Here I am, broke, parents struggling to make ends meet, thinking that this is a good idea. Then I remember listening to the rest of his platform and I remember saying "well, it's not all that I believe in but, I can live with it". Then one day I woke up. I woke up to realize that money does not grow on trees. It does not exist magically from one day to the next. I realized that the reason my $3.15/hr looked so ridiculous is because 30% of it was going somewhere. That somewhere being the .gov. I realized right then and there that "free" isn't free. It comes with a price.
We have two political parties in this country. We have a couple of fringe parties but the major funding goes to two of them. Donkeys and Elephants. Dems vs Reps. D vs R. GOP vs Progressives. Conservatives vs liberals. Blah, blah, blah. We have come to believe that we must be branded as one or the other. Oh, there might be the occasional "I'm a libertarian" but let's face it, the true power is in these parties. I would like each and every one of you to tell me who is who. What do those evil "dems" believe in? How about those righteous right-wingers? Hmmm. What do they stand for? This is a test that you will fail. See, the media, and pundits, and "experts" will have us all believe that if you're a (D) then you want socialism, higher taxes, abortions, big government, entitlements, etc. Hmmm. That's interesting. The 2nd highest spending government was under who? That's right. President GW. Bush. He also had a (R) congress for the first four years. What did that mean for us? Let me tell you. That lent itself to the most out of control spending this country had ever seen. Anyone ever hear of the prescription drug benefit for seniors? Sounds good doesn't it. Again, sounds good. What it "costs" is $600 BILLION to $1.2 TRILLION. That's right. I said TRILLION. But wait, I thought (R)'s stood for all the exact opposites than (D)'s? What else did our "conservative" President do? He signed into law the "No Child Left Behind" act. What's that cost? "In October of 2006 the Office of Management and Budget reported that No Child Left Behind increased state and local governments’ annual paperwork burden by 6,680,334 hours, at an estimated cost of $141 million dollars. For some reason Washington didn’t seem upset about that." (Heritage foundation). Folks, that's PAPERWORK costs. So who is "right" again? Finally our "conservative" leader passed TARP. Depends on who you ask but somewhere in the $700 BILLION range. Again, who are the two parties again?
We have a white house that currently employs someone who believes that "forced abortions" are okay, that animals deserve attorneys, that the elderly should be given care only if they offer a "quality of life" to society, etc. Who are these people? These are the president's Czars. Who controls the vetting of these monsters? Uh, the president. But, this isn't an Obama phenomena. Oh no, this was started under an elephant. Remember that blurry line I was talking about earlier? One of these czars was the "Green Jobs Czar". A self admitted COMMUNIST. He believed that our .gov was responsible for 9/11. He believed that only "white suburban teens" commit mass murder ala Columbine. He recently resigned because we stood up and rebelled. But who else is in this administration? Who else has the most powerful person in the US' ear?
Every year, in every state and at the federal level, we pass laws. Not a few. THOUSANDS of them. Sometimes it's to benefit a segment of the population (Megan's law), or sometimes to benefit a wharf rat. We don't do this in the name of the betterment of society. They do this to make sure that at any time, they can throw us in prison. They do this as a knee jerk reaction to some "heinous" death. Do you need a case in point? This is one of many but please understand it's not just limited to nonsense. Here in AZ, a girl was killed while "texting". Phoenix then passed a law making it illegal to text and drive (http://www.tucsoncitizen.com/ss/related/63511). But wait, we have a law against that already. It's called the "distracted while driving" law. Did we pass this law to benefit anyone? See the point about laws is important. It means that our .gov can enforce them at their will to control a society. Think I'm wrong? It is a federal crime to be in this country illegally. Hmmm. I guess it depends on who's in power. GW Bush decided to use ICE to raid workplaces that had suspected illegal immigrants. BH Obama decided that his administration would stop those raids. It's still illegal to be illegal. No law changed. Did you know that local law enforcement is FORBIDDEN to ask status if they aren't "specially trained" by ICE? Otherwise the ACLU says that it's profiling. Here in Phoenix, our Chief of Police has BANNED the enforcement of standing law.
Who do we blame? Do we blame the Democrats or Republicans? Maybe Soros. Maybe we blame Hannity. We can stop the search for the killer to our constitution. I know where they're at. Shh. Go to your bathroom. Turn on the light and look in the mirror. That is the face of the culprit. That's right. You, me, and us. We have allowed the SLAUGHTER of our rights, the EXTERMINATION of our Republic, and the RAPING of our Constitution. We did it. We allowed a bunch of thieves and liars into the temple that is our Republic to sell their wares. All the while we stood and did nothing. We didn't want to be "extremists". We didn't want to ruffle any feathers. We wanted to just go on with our lives. We couldn't be bothered with what "those" politicians were doing. I'll ask you an easy question. Any of you living high off the land? I mean, it's cool with me. I don't begrudge anyone that's ever made a living or being "well off". Your money is yours. I want to work for mine so believe me, I don't want yours. Back to the question: Have you had to rebudget? Tough times call for us to be a little tighter with the purse strings. Maybe not the double quarter pounder with cheese. Maybe just the jumbo jack. Maybe we don't go on vacation. Maybe we cut back on driving. Whatever the case, I'll bet that most of us have had to make some sacrifices. What did our elected leaders do? We allowed $1.3 TRILLION taxpayer dollars to go for corporate bailouts. We didn't have that money. We had to print it. We had to get loans from China. You know, that country that has our best interest at heart. We wrote checks and when we didn't have money, we said screw it and printed more. Go try that. I'll see you in 5-10 years. I'll visit you though. Anyone paying off a car? Skip three payments. I'll tell you what will happen. They will come and get it, they will sell it at auction and you will be required to pay the difference. They doing that for houses. While most of us bought houses we could afford, some of these "investors" bought houses to make a profit. When the housing bubble burst, they WALKED AWAY FROM THEM. Dinged their credit. They weren't required to make up the differences. Nope, they just walked away.
Nope, this is our fault. When we have to look our children in the eyes and tell them that they will be saddled with a $120,000 tax debt, we have no one to blame but ourselves. When they are looking at double digit inflation, double digit interest rates, and double digit unemployment, we can let them know we did it. Why? We can't be bothered to actually make our politicians SERVE US. Oh, that's another little misnomer. THEY SERVE AT OUR WILL. WE OWN THEM. We must do something to stop this attack on our Republic. Our forefathers never intended for the .gov to become what it is. We must demand that our leaders do their job. We must demand that they realize they work for US. Senator Kennedy recently passed away. HE SERVED FOR OVER 40 YEARS. That's not a Senator. That's an institution. That's entrenchment. We must demand that they impose the same term limits that we have for the POTUS. We can stop them. We must look past the Republican vs Democrat bull crap and look at RIGHT VS WRONG. Write you Senators. Call them. Demand answers. Don't stop. We get indignant when our Jack in the Box order is screwed up but we allow Washington to run amok? Do we not realize what our legacy to our children is going to be? How can we sleep at night knowing that we've allowed the greatest country in all the land to become a den of thieves? Do something. In this age of instant gratification, do something. Help me make sure that our legacy is not enslavement to government for our children. That's right. Enslavement. We must stop this lunacy. Ask yourself this, when has the .gov EVER created wealth? When did the .gov interfere with something that didn't cost the taxpayer more over the years? Medicare is bankrupt. Social Security will not be there for most of us when we retire. The largest growing job sector in this country is .gov. Will you stand up or get on you knees? Will you remain silent?
I thank you for taking the time to read my rant. It's pretty long but I think we owe it to our children to do something.
Below is what our founding fathers believed.
A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.
Thomas Jefferson
A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.
Thomas Jefferson
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
Thomas Jefferson
All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.
Thomas Jefferson
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.
Benjamin Franklin
Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness.
George Washington
Bad seed is a robbery of the worst kind: for your pocket-book not only suffers by it, but your preparations are lost and a season passes away unimproved.
George Washington
Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples' liberty's teeth.
George Washington
I'm not calling for a Revolution like our forefathers had to endure. I'm not saying it's time to overthrow our government. Our founding fathers foresaw that this may happen. They gave us the chance to change our government. This is our time. This is our chance to stand up to our oppressive government and say "NO MORE". We must realize that the more initiative we take from ourselves the worse we become. We must realize that entitlements are a form of slavery and that we are determined to end all slavery. We must not look our children in the eyes and tell them we did nothing.
"First they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up, because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me." is just one of many variations of a poem attributed to Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) about the inactivity of German intellectuals following the Nazi rise to power and the purging of their chosen targets, group after group.
Will you speak up?
Grandma from Texas (Sent Wednesday, September 16, 2009 10:53 AM)"
Now Jimmy Carter, the most Anti-Semitic president of all time is going to call me a racist?
Got it. Now I'm a right-wing extremist racist.
Would I ever let a black man date my daughter. Nope. Would I ever let a white man date my daughter. Nope. I'm not going to do the "I have a lot of black friends" or "I love Oprah" spiel. Color is of no importance to me. I won't give it the time of day. Black, white, purple or pink, if it's a pig it's a pig. To me, we're all Americans. We're not "African-American" any more than I'm "Scots-Irish-American". We're all born here, we're all American. No tags. He's not any more special than I am. But, that won't stop our media from blasting ANYONE that opposes this president and labeling them as racists. That won't stop Hank Johnson from saying folks will put on white hoods and white uniforms riding through the countryside. THIS IS 2009. If you're so worried about Klan members, look no further than Sen. Byrd.
I understand why Glenn Beck went insane on his radio show when a woman declared that Beck didn't ever complain about Bush. This is how a lot of us feel when we get told that we don't matter. I want to jump up and down like a 3 year old and SCREAM "WHY DON'T I MATTER". I am not astroturf. I am an American.
Do you feel the same way?
Will you stand?