First my opinion, then the article. Okay, deep breath. Settle the nerves. Okay, here we go.
WHO F-ING CARES? This is what we're going to waste our taxpayer funds on? DO YOU REALLY THINK WE CAN GET A DO-OVER IF HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE IS HINKY? Come on. Really? I have never been a birther (do I think it's all above board? I don't know. I know that he provided a BC and the elections people have said it passed.}. It's like the 9/11 guys. They put on some really good evidence without taking in all of the expert evidence. It makes for a great conspiracy. But, come on already. He can't be beat on his record? He has to be thrown out because his long form doesn't have blah, blah, blah? I've never seen my long form. I don't know if I've ever had a long form. I DON'T CARE. Beat him on his record.
According To World Net Daily, The Surprise Tea Party and Jerome Corsi, author of the book “Where’s The Birth Certificate?,’ presented Sheriff Joe Arpaio a petition filled with 242 signatures on Thursday morning which asked the ‘Toughest Sheriff In America’ to begin a criminal investigation to see if a crime was committed when the President released his long-form birth certificate earlier this year.
The petition was signed earlier on Wednesday night at an hour meeting sponsored by The Surprise Tea Party and The Liberty Through Action organization, after a speech by Corsi.
The petition states its criminal concerns of the long form birth certificate are fraud and tampering with a public record.
World Net Daily reports, that Lt. Justin Griffin of The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office said Arpaio is, “waiting to receive all the documentation and the investigative material from Dr. Jerry Corsi, and then he will look into the matter and compare it to the Arizona revised statutes.”
Surprise Tea Party leader, Brian Reilly, praised Arpaio and said to WND, “We’re trying to get to the truth.”