We enter a new era of big government. A government so out of control that it no longer represents the people but rather represents its own interest.
We should look no further than California. Rather than decrease spending on ALL programs, California would rather look to legalizing illicit drugs (Marijuana) and collect taxes and/or allowing sports betting. When a society must pay for government with legalizing amoral behaviors, then there is a problem. All across this country state, county, and city governments look to RAISING more revenue with taxes rather than cut spending (even when that means deep cuts to social programs). When our own checkbooks run dry, we don't write checks that we can't cash. Nope. That is illegal in all 50 states. However, local and state governments do that very thing day after day.
We've reached a crossroads in the development of our society. Government believes that it knows best on how to determine our fates. When spending is so out of control that it threatens the very fabric of our nation, it's time to stand up and say no more.
Will you stand?